Friday, August 3, 2012

Paint Dipped Wooden Spoon DIY

Well, I've done it! I have started DIY things for our home. We still have yet to get a settlement date, but I know we are getting close!

I was in Target the other day and saw some really cute painted wooden spoons. There was 2 of them in a pack, and they were $7.99. I wasn't crazy about the colors or the price, so I thought I would do a DIY!

6 pack of wooden utensils  
Bed Bath & Beyond         $5.99 - coupon         = $4.79

5  Martha Stewart Paints    
Michaels       3 @ $0.78 and  2 @ $1.99          = $6.70

Bulls Eye Shellac & Sealer     Home Depot       = $7.48
Paint Brush                      ( I already had one )
Painters Tape                   ( I had this too! )
                                               TOTAL COST: $18.97
So my total came to $19.00 for supplies...Which would buy me 4 utensils at Target. Now I get 6 utensils, in colors I love, AND I get to keep my extra supplies for future projects! SCORE!

Here we go....

Lay out your utensils and choose which ones you want in which colors. I (kindly) made the two I knew we would use the most blue, for my fiances sake!

Tape off where you want the paint to stop. I made sure it stopped high enough that the paint WOULD NOT touch the water in our pots. I pulled the pot out and acted as if I was stirring so I could get a good idea.
(They DO NOT all need to be exact, no one will ever hold them up together to see)

Paint Away! I did a pretty good first coat, waited about an hour and then did my second coat.
NOTE: I used one of those crappy Dollar Store brushes to get inside the hole in the handle so I didn't mess my good brush up.
TIP: Find a way to sit them to dry them that works for you. This was the way that worked best for me.

Take your tape off and admire your work :-)
(I pulled my tape off before I knew it would be dried solid. It wasn't still tacky to the touch though.)

Time to Shellac! (This is a NON TOXIC shellac so yes, it is safe for this)

I did this a day after painting them. Before I sealed anything, I wanted to make sure they were completely dry. I took my utensils outside to do this. I held them about 12 inches away from the can, and did them 1 at a time. I made sure to keep the spray off of the actual spoon parts, but I got down far enough to cover the wood/paint line. I did a second coat about 10-15 minutes later, the first coat was still slickly tacky. Make sure to get the end of the handle too!

VOILA! Your own custom colored wooden spoons! I love mine! I will also be making them as Housewarming and Wedding gifts in the future!